My body has forsaken me.
Not only do I have codependent pets, I
now have some kind of weird codependent creature living in my stomach
causing all kinds of problems.
I have an overgrowth Candida. I don't
understand it completely, but it basically means I have an imbalance
of gut flora and my internal bacteria is out of whack.
If the tummy ain't happy, ain't nobody
happy. I have brain fog, chronic fatigue, irritability, emotional
issues, weight gain, skin issues, and God knows what else. Stuff I
thought was caused by a hormone imbalance, and they were ten years
ago, but my hormones have been balanced for couple of years, so this
was just some new crap.
I'm not a doctor or a scientist, so all
I was really interested in after I got my test results was what is
the bottom line? How can I cure this and how long will it take?
My doctor, bless her heart, said as soon
as she saw my test results and saw the imbalance of gut flora
signalling Candida in my stomach she knew I was going to be mad at
her and she was dreading our phone consultation.
Here's what that means: You know those
annoying pretentious people on a special diet who refuse to touch
sugar, wheat, MSG, and anything else yummy?
I am now one of those people. Not because I
refuse to touch these things, but because it is recommended that I
don't in order to heal the issue in my stomach.
I looked over the list of food I can
eat and then the list I can't eat and had a breakdown. Overgrowth of
Candida is basically like a yeast infection, which doesn't surprise
me because I've had problems with overgrowth of yeast all my life
(I'll spare you the dirty details). Sugar, yeast, fermented foods all
feed it.
My four favorite things are chocolate,
coffee, wine, and cheese.
They are all off the menu.
You know what I hate? Cauliflower. It
is absolutely on the menu.
Also banned: All dairy but plain Greek
yogurt, corn, rice (a gluten free person's staples – no more
popcorn for me) and fruit, God help me. No pineapple, no peaches, no
muskmelon (I'm growing and nurturing four muskmelon plants in my
garden, Goddamnit!) and no watermelon. These are a few of my favorite
I can, however, have berries. And
Fuck me running. Uphill. Backwards.
With a spoon.
I used to judge those people who are
all, “Oh, I can't eat sugar, it's bad for me. And I don't drink,
because well, alcohol is THE DEVIL.”
The other day I went shopping for my
new diet. My cart was full of beets, carrots, bell peppers in all
colors, avocado, celery, nuts (almonds and walnuts, cashews are off
limits), and stevia.
I have never in my life wanted to even
entertain the idea of using stevia. I'm a sugar girl. I'm not one of
those people who is all, “Oh, I use STEVIA because sugar is
sooooooo bad for you.”
People were looking at me in the
grocery store like, “What the hell, girl. Eat a fucking sandwich.”
Even the checkout girl plucked each piece of my fresh produce off
the conveyor belt, regarded it with a rather raised eyebrow, and then
pushed it down to the lady bagger, almost with a gesture of disgust,
like, “This girl needs to freaking get over herself. I mean, what
the hell.”
I couldn't blame her for her judging
me. I was judging me.
Earlier that day I went to the health
store and managed to find crackers made with stuff that is actually
on my diet plan and pasta made of pea flour and buckwheat flour. At
least there I didn't feel judged because the health food store is
filled with other annoying pretentious people who are on a special
diet, gingerly picking through the “unhealthy” food with wrinkled
nose and curled lip.
People like me minus the wrinkled nose
and curled lip. I'm the one drooling over the organic potato chips
and chocolate bars.
This is what I've been reduced to.
Leafy greens, root vegetables, no fruit, no sugar, no caffeine.
No wine.
I asked my doctor how I was supposed to
get through eight weeks without chocolate. Yes, I'm such a baby, this
diet lasts eight weeks and I'm whining and crying like my life is
over. My doctor did tentatively suggest that I could probably get
away with that 72% or 85% cacao Ghiradelli dark chocolate bars
because there isn't a lot of sugar. I can also make truffles with
cocoa and stevia or whatever.
Oooh, yay. Stevia truffles!
Do you know how I make truffles? With
whipping cream and high quality bittersweet chocolate. Also, brandy.
Dairy and alcohol are off limits for
me. The chocolate chips I use are only 60% cacao so not as good as
they should be. They still have a lot of sugar. And besides, I love
milk chocolate. I will eat dark chocolate if that's all there is and
I have no other choice. But I LOOOOOOVE milk chocolate. Preferably
Dove milk chocolate with peanut butter or caramel filling (mmmmmmm).
Then there's the Frey milk chocolate from Switzerland that is better
than sex fashioned into these cigar shaped sticks with a praline
filling and hazelnuts.
I hate my life.
So I took all of my lovely fun
groceries home intent on making a yummy dinner that would make me
forget that I can't eat cheese.
Did I mention I've never purchased a
beet in my life? I don't even know what to do with a beet.
I chopped the beets and yam into discs
to bake and pan fried some chicken thighs in olive oil (no butter for
me!) with ginger, garlic, anise stars, thyme and basil from my
garden, and rock salt.
I caved and had a glass of wine with
it. Hey, it's my first day on this shit and small steps, right?
The chicken turned out really good, but
that's because I discovered I love the taste of anise. I also love
the taste of basil and thyme.
The beets and yams? Well, they can use
some work. The main problem was that I had more beet and yam discs on
my baking stone than there was baking stone so they didn't bake as
well as they could have.
The question is, why am I doing this to
myself? Well, I'm tired of the bloating, the chronic fatigue, the
depression, the complete lack of desire to exercise or really do
anything. Brain fog is not a good thing to have when one catalogs
books all day long (it's a very precise job), and also when one wants
to write for a living. I have no energy and no drive. And that is not
like me, has never been like me. When I adopted my dog I walked her
three hours a day. Now the thought of walking five minutes makes me
want to go take a nap. The dog wants to take a nap too, but that's
because she's older and she picks up on my mood.
I've got to be the most boring human on
the face of the planet and it's not even by choice. I used to go out
dancing every Friday night. Now, the thought of being out of the
house past ten o'clock sounds like a punishment.
All I know is that I'm going on
vacation in a week to visit my parents and there is no way I will be
able to stick to this ridiculously rigorous diet at their house. They
have Swiss cheese, Swiss chocolate, fancy coffee, and expensive wine
in abundance. I am my parents' daughter as I inherited my taste for
these things in spades. At least at my house I can throw out all
temptations (except the wine bottles, there is no way I'm throwing
out my wine collection), but at my parents' house?
Forget it.
The diet begins the day after I return
home from my parents' house.
That's also when my life ends.
I'm such a drama queen.
But hey, I have to give up sugar and
wine. I feel like I have a right to be a bitch.
Guess that jackass who wrote The Gluten
Lie was full of it. Sure, in his perfect little world he can eat
wheat, sugar, and MSG in moderation. But when you have codependent
Candida, you don't get that luxury.
That damn bacteria must have been
talking to Percy. Can't eat unless I'm right there.
Sigh...good bye, wine.
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